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    Sunday, February 7, 2010

    Major cover-up behind infrastructure upgrade


    Why is the City of Fresno denying that Olive Ave. was widened? Most people in Fresno will verify it was widened. Photographs verify it was widened.

    The City water layout verifies it was widened. This is how / when the middle lane appeared.

    So the question is how could this have been possible without major reconstruction of the street-lined properties? It wasn't. Street-lined properties were indeed cut back. Sidewalks also left more narrow, which the City of Fresno also denies.

    Biggest mystery of all: How could it be possible to remove several feet from the fronts of these parcels, yet end up with the parcels measuring the same length?

    Carried out one block at a time. In this case, done during the citywide upgrade when the street was already torn up. The heavy equipment remained for days, blocking the view as this took place.

    This parcel is directly behind the one on Olive Ave.

    Another view of the property on Olive Ave. as well as the one behind it.

    This diagram is not to specifications ~ it is merely an example of how this is being done throughout the city. For actual photos Click here

    Why were there no witnesses or complaints? "Planted" tenants and neighbors ~ elimination of others.

    I am the only survivor from the nightmare shown above / below. My handicapped uncle, neighbors on 3 sides left dead ~ fraudulent legal documents, real estate fraud, insurance fraud as well as altered city records to cover up the evidence of what took place, hence the perjury and death threats against me for exposing this.

    Then came a threatening reminder from the City of Fresno ~ I am not allowed to report the people or horrors behind this OR ELSE!

    Click Above

    Attempting to expose others involved in this operation, I posted a blog. The City of Fresno keeps me closely monitored ~ see how they reacted. (According to Kerry Trost, Sr. Risk Analyst, it was then-Mayor Alan Autry who gave instructions to have the R.O. issued against me. You will also notice the Mayor mentioned in the letter from the City Attorney's office. Thanks honey, but no thanks.)

    Click Above

    THE REASON FOR ALL OF THIS? Secret water diversion.



    We are told that the reason behind the nation's infrastructure upgrade is due to old, unreliable pipes. Billions of dollars are being spent to replace/upgrade our nation's water infrastructure.

    From what I understand, our Government is preparing for a predicted major catastrophe. Additional panic in Fresno/central valley as a result of what else is being covered up.

    50 yrs ago, prior to concerns of a major catastrophe, a secret water diversion operation began in central CA. Cities torn apart and rebuilt on top of clamped sewer and water lines followed by altered records to cover up the evidence. Click: Marla

    No record or accounting for what is shown below. Done without permits, inspections or safety precautions. No concern for anyone other than those behind this, with intentions of secretly diverting the water source. According to the self-proclaimed mastermind, WGS, the public believes whatever they are told ~ too oblivious to ever figure this out.



    Our water system was torn apart and haphazardly replaced ~ now held together with CLAMPS! Structures were rebuilt on TOP of this mess. Done in-between sales or under the guise of "renovations" ~ parcel maps illegally altered in escrow. WGS is correct ~ new owners remain oblivious wihle held responsible for the maintenance and code violations.

    In some cases, the operation involves the City of Fresno's risk analysts lying and setting up property owners for annihilation in order to seize control of the property to carry this out. Reporting this, including the trail of burglaries, illness, deaths, murder/s, suspected homicides, attempted murder, fraudulent legal documents, insurance fraud, ID theft, real estate fraud was NOT allowed.

    Click Above

    So keep in mind that while the infrastructure upgrade is legitimate, the water diversion operation is not. At this point, however, it has all been tied in together by WGS and his mob ~ more code violations and altered records to cover up the evidence.

    Turns out that the central valley's infrastructure upgrade is headed to higher ground, where new development is being planned. With plans of protecting themselves from predicted catastrophes, the rest of us have been left in greater danger than ever before.

    Look at the figure$. You will find that billions of taxpayer dollars are being invested into STRENGTHENING our water infrastructure upgrade, yet there is no record or accounting for the billions of dollars being invested into WEAKENING our water infrastructure.

    That is why despite witnesses, photographs and the City's own unaltered records, the risk analysts went as far as to commit perjury to deny the City's street widening, relocation of utility poles, fire hydrants, water meters, etc. It was not authorized ~ it was done illegally while secretly replacing the water system. Records were then altered to make it appear that things were always as they are now. Where is all this money coming from for what these risk analysts are involved in? It appears to be coming from the suspected homicides, real estate theft, insurance fraud being covered up!

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