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Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Financial Help for Tower Dist Property Owners
Not everyone is offered the financial help. Even though the woman across the street as well as my neighbor were able to take advantage of this wonderful offer, my family and other neighbors were annihilated in order for the group to step in and seize control of our property and assets. Hence the trail of ID theft, forged deeds of people never seen again, illegal conversion of assets, etc.
Here is another thing I noticed. After the gutting and reconstruction to some of the properties, what a surprise to find PGE's CARE program knocking on doors, offering free light bulbs, free refrigerators, free window caulking, 20% lower untilities for 1 year, as well as free insulation! I took advantage of the offer but did not understand why they would insulate my home when it had already been insulated. In reality, the insulation had been removed when the home was reconstructed without permits or inspections. These folks cover up the sloppy, ill-fitting windows and doors that the fake work crew accompanying Public Works, installed. Insulation covers up even more - including, from what I understand, wiring that leads to hidden cameras.
Don't forget that as these structures undergo the major alterations and changes in property lines, utility poles are being illegally relocated and reconnected by the group referring to themselves as, "People Watchers." They boast of monitoring and knowing the every move of their victims. They also talk of "giving" and "selling" the babies and small children of their victims; child sex and dismemberment of the older ones. Be sure that if they can move and reconnect the poles, followed by altering PGE's records to cover it up, they can install wiring for hidden cameras. Their trail indicates they would have to keep a CLOSE WATCH on their prey to carry out such horrors.
The fluorescent light bulbs are encouraged by the "People Watchers." I suppose that speaks for itself. As for the free refrigerator, they trade with one at the same size. Therefore, since I had a large refrigerator, mine was traded for a large energy efficient refrigerator! Sounds good, eh? Not when done in-between the ongoing renovations to one's property without authorization, permits or inspections. With nothing standing as it was when this group stepped in, the refrigerator no longer fit - so a smaller one was put in its place! Twice. I now have something that looks like it belongs in a tiny studio apartment - likely the smallest model made.
Remember the Tower District "revitalization?" Wasn't that after Olive Ave. was widened entailing massive damages and reconstruction to store-front property? "Repairs" would have been a more suitable term. No one realized that widening of Olive was not authorized - there is no record for it. Not even the massive destruction and reconstruction to street-lined properties. Instead, parcel maps and aerial views were altered to make it appear that things were always as they are now. To avoid witnesses or complaints to private properties, the area was first "planted" with occupants - others were ELIMINATED. Trail of forged and fraudulent legal documents; altered deeds reflect new measurements. This is why there are no older records of Fresno. Old, unaltered photographs have become extremely rare.
In Fresno, from what it appears, you are either "one of them" or you are "shark bait."
Monday, May 19, 2008
Fresno's felony altering utility poles
LONG before I had a copy of the City's sewer layout, I repeatedly reported that sewer lines and manholes had been relocated - DOCUMENTED! The City's own sewer layout verifies exactly what I reported. The risk analyst lied about the cause of sewage back spills, she lied about the connections from the Laundromat to my property, she lied about cross-connecting my garage lines to the house lines, and to this day, I don't know where the other half of the garage is connected. (UPDATE: More unauthorized altering of my home, including sewer/water/gas lines, covered with new cement.) She lied about the street widening, which entailed destruction and reconstruction of our store-front properties. Damages so horrendous, we lost our 2 income properties!
Below: More evidence of the street widening and replacement of sewer/water lines - EXACTLY as I reported, which in turn, magnifies the lies of Kerry Trost, etal.
Kerry Trost called me a "liar" when I said the sewer vent went from 2' to 10' from the fence.
CONTINUING OUR TOUR DOWN THE ALLEY ..... keep in mind this is the Tower Dist. 1930s-40s. Homes built to last. These are shoddily rebuilt, new walls on garages, falling apart - extended into the alley, as though the alley was always this narrow. The garbage trucks and bins would not have fit! Nor were the utility poles standing in the alley! The plat map shows this was a 20' alley - yet now, in various parts, it is now 14'!
End of the block - garage on left was not there; one on right rebuilt.
You will notice that throughout Fresno, garages at ends of blocks are newer than the homes. They have been rebuilt, extending into the alley, which makes the alley more narrow. This, in turn, makes the relocation of utility poles appear legitimate - as though they have always been standing where they are now. In some cases, alleys have been completely closed off. With PG&E's records altered and the numbers on the utility poles transferred, PG&E remains oblivious. Common sense indicates that the large dumpsters and trucks could not possibly fit through this as they did for decades.
See photographs below - how can a wheel chair get through this?
Does anyone remember the bus stop benches, still leaving plenty of room for anyone to get by - including wheel chairs.
An obstacle such as a utility pole or fire hydrant placed in the middle of the sidewalk leaving no room for wheelchair users, is considered a peril for pedestrians. This can also lead to serious injury to persons who are blind or partially sighted.
Palm Ave., in-between Olive and McKinley
Friday, May 2, 2008
End of businesses in the Tower Dist. - a clue?
Click on picture to enlarge:
The Tower Dist. has always been known for its unique, quaint, street-lined properties - slow traffic due to a tight 2-lane street. How did a middle lane miraculously appear in the west end of the Tower Dist? There is no record of this taking place, yet the evidence is everywhere - destruction/ haphazard reconstruction. Altered plat/parcel maps are not enough to cover up this kind of fraud - it accentuates the sewer layouts that no longer line up. Lying about utility pole relocation is another issue - there are witnesses to that as well.
Altering sewer/water lines has entailed removal of various structures; expansion of others. Address changes; directories and aerial views altered as though things were always this way. Newcomers have no reason to question anything - without any record of these alterations, remaining structures continue being sold as "original." And the turnover continues until finally ending with a revised deed that entails altered property lines.
Without driving down the street or looking into old records, I recall some fires taking place in the area. Surely there were more than this quick list I came up with:
1. Remember the bar near the SW corner of Palm + Olive that burned down in the 60s?
2. The original Lucky Boy Hamburger that burned down on the south side of Olive in the 60/70s?
3. The bar (Lyn's 7 Sons) on the NW corner of Olive and Fruit that burned down in the 70s?
4. First home south of Olive, on Adoline, burned down in the 70s?
5. Traffic School, Olive, near Fruit burned/rebuilt 70s
6. Turpins Furniture, Fulton off Olive burned 70/80s
7. Jackie's Costumes, north side of Olive burned, prior to relocating to south side of Olive 70/80s
8. Dead end at San Pablo + Olive, burned in the 70/80s
9. Perkos Restaurant, on the north side of Olive, just south of Wishon burned down in the 80s.
10. Tire shop on NW corner of Blackstone + Olive burned before new tire shop re-opened (80/90s)
11. The thrift store on the NE corner of Palm + Olive that burned down in the 80/90s?
12. The 2 homes across the street (NE corner Olive + Ferger) burned; both lots are now parking for the furniture store
13. NW corner of Safford + Olive burned down prior to the martial arts occupying the building - 90s?
14. The Landmark - formerly Carnation restaurant, SW corner of Broadway + Olive burned in the 90s
15. 2 blks east of tire shop, on south side of Olive, upholstery shop burned down (90s)
16. A & M Carpet, Olive, north of Fruit Ave. - burned down (80s?)
17. Tiny's Olive Branch, Olive, next to Roeding Park - burned down (80?)
18. The old Herb Bauer's building, Olive, between Tiny's & Roeding Park - burned down (80?)
This is a 2-mile stretch! Like the sewer/water line altering taking place - because it did not happen at the same time, no one sees or questions anything. Perhaps it is time they do.
Note: Wouldn't it be interesting to compare notes among the people who put so much time, effort and money into building improvements. Because there is another layer to all of this - the vultures who strip and switch. For instance, notice the blue awning around the showcase on the corner building. Matching awnings covered the large windows on the west side of the building, as well as the large window on the northeast side. They were torn during the time WGS's "planted" tenants were renting the property - after being repaired, how nice that WGS would put them back up, only to completely and mysteriously fall apart. Brand new awnings were then purchased for all the windows! During the unauthorized "remodeling" that accompanied the sewer/water line alterations, those very windows and new awnings were then replaced with the trash now seen. Thousands of dollars worth of venetian blinds were switched with trash. On and on. The building to the east of that: Swieso's air conditioning friend insisted that new central units were needed. $5,000 later, those brand new units were switched with trash. Windows, light fixtures, doors, etc. switched.
I've seen this pattern time and again. In this case, due to the trash these buildings were put back together with (rotted, termite infested, etc.), corroded sewer/water lines and talk of a new restaurant that would open by WGS's associate, I suspect a fire was/is going to take all this down. Loosening the clamps is what caused the mold (mushrooms growing from walls) to consume one of these structures, which would make the remaining appear legitimate. Imagine all the insurance claims behind this operation. With contents "unknowingly" switched with trash, making for quite an operation, eh?
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Lauck's Bakery Closed Last Week
Back in the 50s, the Tower Dist. was thriving - the quality, unique architecture, neon lights, and of course the Tower Theater made it an area well-known to all. Located near downtown, Fresno, which was also thriving.
The decline of downtown coincided with the strip mall that was built in the 60s. Various buildings were demolished, remaining businesses suddenly began failing. Before the next business stepped in, there were lots of so-called "repairs and renovations" that went on. A pattern that continued until finally, people no longer went downtown. Homeless people began to occupy the empty buildings. Many of the beautiful historic structures have since been torn down due to decay and negect. Attempts have been made to revitalize the area, but none have been successful. Or so the story goes.
Here in the Tower Dist., I have seen a lot of similarities take place. Not only the end of long-time businesses and neglect of the area, but more. Destruction and/or major altering of every structure, one by one. Instead of a strip-mall used as an excuse to carry it out in the Tower Dist., fires and/or annihilation of property/business owners seem to be the method. My research shows a pattern of fraudulent/forged legal documents that coincide with these alterations and/or end of various businesses. In some cases, the owner is never seen again aka: suspected homicide. That leaves me wondering ..... since various properties are being taken over by fraud/ID theft, WHO IS RAISING THE RENT that forces people out of business? Followed by more "renovations."
I born and raised in the area, my family owned property in the outskirts of the Tower Dist. After many decades, we lost our 2 store-front properties, which is how I know first hand what is taking place. Including what those jackhammers are being used for and why structures throughout the Tower appear so deteriorated. Replacing city sewer and water lines cannot be done without massive damages and patching/reconstruction. Nor without vacating the property! Or leaving these structures setting on top of and next to clamped sewer/water lines - linked to more fraud i.e., mold lawsuits, insurance claims, foreclosure.
When the sun is shining at a certain time of day, you can see the new sheet rock. Look closer - no previous layers of paint inside or out. Crooked walls/seams. Older, well-established lawns no longer remain, they were excavated in order to line up the underground utilities. Utility poles relocated /reconnected - no permits or inspections. No help or answers either - massive cover-up.
1. Remember the bar near the SW corner of Palm + Olive that burned down in the 60s?
2. The original Lucky Boy Hamburger that burned down on the south side of Olive in the 60/70s?
3. Lyn's 7 Sons bar on the NW corner of Olive and Fruit that burned down in the 70s?
4. First home south of Olive, on Adoline, burned down in the 70s?
5. Traffic School, Olive, near Fruit burned/rebuilt 70s
6. Turpins Furniture, Fulton off Olive burned 70/80s
7. Jackie's Costumes, north side of Olive burned, prior to relocating to south side of Olive 70/80s
8. Dead end at San Pablo + Olive, burned in the 70/80s
9. Perkos Restaurant, on the north side of Olive, just south of Wishon burned down in the 80s.
10. Tire shop on NW corner of Blackstone + Olive burned before new tire shop re-opened (80/90s)
11. The thrift store on the NE corner of Palm + Olive that burned down in the 80/90s?
12. The 2 homes across the street (NE corner Olive + Ferger) burned; both lots are now parking for the furniture store
13. NW corner of Safford + Olive burned down prior to the martial arts occupying the building - 90s?
14. The Landmark - formerly Carnation restaurant, SW corner of Broadway + Olive burned in the 90s
15. 2 blks east of tire shop, on south side of Olive, upholstery shop burned down (90s)
16. A & M Carpet, Olive, north of Fruit Ave. - burned down (80s?)
17. Tiny's Olive Branch, Olive, next to Roeding Park - burned down (80?)
18. The old Herb Bauer's building, Olive, between Tiny's & Roeding Park - burned down (80?)
ADDITIONALLY: Structures removed as others expanded, shifted down in a "ripple effect." Addresses changed to further cover up evidence of the past - as though things were always this way. The cover-up goes as far as altering of old directories, aerial views and more. This is why there are no older records of Fresno and why the ones that remain, are not supported. The sewer layouts no longer line up to the plat maps. Witnesses and photographs further verify the unauthorized replacement of sewer lines, street widening, relocation of fire hydrants, storm drains, utility poles, etc., however, there is no record for any of this. Public information is refused.
Sadly, what I have described here is a mere 1 1/2-mi. stretch. Beneath all of it, one will find unauthorized replacement of the city water lines, currently being tied into the main line during the "infrastructure upgrade." Former employee for the City of Fresno is the ringleader - conspiring with various city personnel, including risk analyst who lies to unsuspecting residents about the cause behind sewage back spills. Next chapter - the affects of raw sewage. (Fresno - the only city in the entire nation to react to the MRSA outbreak by increasing benefits for themselves - while refusing reports of what is contributing to the nightmare!)
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Blog Archive
Links of Interest
- Death upon Death. Fresno, CA – Annihilation / Takeovers Behind Water Scam!!
- Swieso vs Bonadelle/City of Fresno ~ where is line drawn?
- Behind the City of Fresno's burglary cover-up
- Fresno risk analysts behind more utility fraud
- Diagram: How Water System Being Secretly Replaced
- DANGER! EMF/Utility Lines
- Linked to Autry's Violent Crimes Cover-Up
- City of Fresno: Sexual Harassment, Stalking
- Sudden Increase in Utility Bill?
- Sidewalks - serious peril for pedestrians
- Joe/Rib Rack - Another Tower Dist. Victim?
- Olive Ave. WAS widened!
- My home to be burned down next?
- Another execution being covered up?
- Unsolved Murder Puzzle (Tower Dist.)
- Shhhh.... it's a Secret